It is awesome to see motion graphics taking an important role on design teams across the tech industry. With product and user experience design evolving at rapid pace, motion designers have a critical importance in helping constructing the best interface for users. Some times a simple motion can help designers reduce the need for artifacts or components. Video-games have been doing this for a long time and little by little our day to day interfaces are getting there. This post is an example of motion graphics and graphic design used to help create and solidify design principles and branding. The project was created and shared by Ross McCampbell

Buck invited me to work as an animator with their extremely talented team for an IBM project. Forty shots were created to highlight key moments from expert testimonies about IBM’s Cognitive platforms. Below are some of the pieces I animated.

Graphic Design and Motion Graphics

Digital is not the destination.


A cognitive bank can outmaneuver today’s market.


Cognitive experiences can scale.


Create new experiences and you create new revenue opportunities.


When people no longer want to own stuff, how do you sell them stuff?

Montage of the project by Buck.


  • Directed by: Buck
  • Executive Creative Director: Orion Tait
  • Executive Producer: Anne Skopas
  • Producer: Anabella Zubillaga
  • Production Coordinator: Alexi Yeldezian
  • Production Intern: Sarah Berry
  • Creative Director: Jon Gorman, Ben Langsfeld, Daniel Oeffinger
  • Art Direction: Nicolo Bianchino, Ben Hill
  • Design: Nicolo Bianchino, Andreas Bjoern Hansen, Kimberly Dulaney, Ben Hill, Jon Gorman, Stephen Kelleher, Ben Langsfeld, Ross McCampbell, Daniel Oeffinger, Chris Phillips, Federico Reano
  • Animation: Nicolo Bianchino, Andreas Bjoern Hansen, Rocio Cogno, Trentity DeWitt, Daniel Dickheiser, Ben Hill, Jon Gorman, Ben Langsfeld, Ross McCampbell, Daniel Oeffinger, Alex Perry, Chris Phillips, Federico Reano
  • 3D Modeling: Arvid Volz
  • Compositing: Nicolo Bianchino, Andreas Bjoern Hansen, Jon Gorman, Ben Hill, Alex Perry, Carly Senora, Wei Shen Wang
  • Lighting: Ben Langsfeld, Ana Luisa Santos, Chris Phillips
  • Set Fabrication: Janet Kim
  • Stop Motion Director: Jon Gorman
  • Stop Motion DP: Anibal Hernandez
  • Set Assistant: Harry Summers